30 Days of Marketing Inspiration

Build consistency
Grow your audience
Improve your marketing

If you’re on a mission to give your book the spotlight it deserves while connecting authentically with your readers, you’re in the right place.

Sign up below to get book marketing tips, actions and content prompts every day for 30 days.

Get inspired by your book marketing, with fun and interesting prompts to help you talk about your book and your life as an author, all for just £15.


Are these ideas just for social media?

No! Whilst the content prompts have been primarily designed with social media in mind, many of them could also be used across your blog or newsletter, and the marketing tips / actions and mindset shifts are relevant wherever you are promoting your books.

Is this series for currently published books or will it work for book that haven’t been published yet?

You won’t be able to use every content prompt exactly as shared, but you should be able to use around 80% if your book hasn’t been released yet, and all of the marketing tips will still be relevant.

Can these ideas be reused in the future or is it one-time use ideas only?

The ideas are designed to be reused. As soon as you sign up, you’ll gain access to a spreadsheet with all of the content prompts and marketing tips available for you to use whenever you want to come back to them.

Can I sign up if I’m not an author? Will your ideas apply to my small business?

This series has been designed with authors in mind. If you’re creatively minded, you can definitely rejig the prompts / tips to apply to your area of business, but you might be better off seeking out a programme that is more specifically suited for small businesses.

Do I need any specific tools?

No. The only third party tool I reference is Canva, and if that’s not your bag, you can skip those prompts.