The Book Launch Club

Currently closed for enrollment

Two months to feel more confident in your book marketing.

Clarify your author platform

Marketing a book can feel overwhelming. There is a never-ending list of things you can add to your to-do list, and it’s hard to tell whether you’re focusing on the right things or not.

Whether you are planning the launch of a new book or already have a book out that you want to keep promoting, but are struggling to find the motivation to keep talking about it, this is for you.

Over the course of two months, I will help you:

  • Think more strategically about your marketing
  • Determine which activities are worth investing time (or money) in, and which you can put to one side
  • Get support on the marketing areas you are struggling with
  • Get new ideas for ways that you can build a relatiosnship with your ideal reader
  • Connect with a small group of incredible writers 
  • And actually Do The Work. 

Sign up to hear about 2023 dates

“Don’t wait for the right time to join. It doesn’t matter whether you’re traditionally published, self-published or hybrid – the course will help clear the fog in your head if you feel as I do about marketing. Katie has great skills, knowledge and insight and is a calm guiding force. The coworking sessions and accountabilty factor is a huge plus for me.”

Tracy Baines

Plans are wonderful, but I want this programme to help you to put those plans into action!

What you’ll get access to:

  • 4 fortnightly workshops, covering building your platform, tactical marketing and outreach, reviewing your activity, and building a marketing mindset. These can be attended live, or watched as a replay
  • 4 hour-long co-working calls, to help you make consistent progress with your marketing
  • A private community to share your wins, ask questions and get support from other authors
  • Regular access to me to get feedback, chat through new ideas, ask questions, and generally get unstuck

”Book Launch Club has been invaluable, helping me understand the nitty gritty of how to structure and review a marketing plan. And the co-working sessions ensured that I carved out time to apply what I had learnt. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is mystified by marketing and needs to guided through the basics”

Suw Charman-Anderson

Katie Sadler - Monthly Marketing Support

Meet your mentor

Hi, I’m Katie. I’m an award-winning book marketer, and have been working on marketing campaigns for publishers for 14+ years. In that time have helped authors from all sorts of different backgrounds to create and harness the power of their author platform.

Now I help authors discover how to grow their platforms in a way that feels manageable, but still gets your book in front of your ideal readers. 

How the programme is structured

The workshops

Building your platform: In our first workshop, we’ll talk about setting your foundation, building your author platform, and the three key areas you need to focus on when creating your marketing plan.

Tactical marketing and outreach: A key part of any marketing campaign is getting more eyes on your platform and on your book. During this workshop, we will talk about the pros and cons of some specific marketing and publicity approaches.

Reviewing your activity: In our second workshop, we will look at how to make reviewing your activity a part of your planning process, and what you need to pay attention to when you do.

Marketing mindset. In our final workshop we will look at how to develop a successful author marketing mindset, and why this is one of the most important tools you will learn in your marketing journey.

The community

As part of the programme, you will be invited to join a private Mighty Networks community, with the other authors taking part in the programme. 

You can use this as a space to ask questions, talk about how you are getting on with the programme, share your successes and support one another when things aren’t going to plan.

I will also be sharing weekly prompts within the group to help you stay on track, and hold you accountable to the plans you set

The support

As well as support from your fellow authors, you will also get ongoing support from me.

I am going to be in and out of the community regularly, to help provide encouragement and answer questions. You can post a message publicly, or send me a private message to get my input on your plans, any copy you’ve written, anywhere you’re feeling stuck, and generally be on hand to help wherever I can.

The dates

”It is really good value for money and there is a lot of useful learning that will provide a solid foundation for marketing your book.”

Kristen Phillips

I know that people’s lives are busy. I hope that the workshops, all of which will be available as replays, along with the options for co-working (which I think is *magic* for getting things done) will really help this programme to fit into your life. 

If you’re interested, you can sign up below, or drop me an email if you have any questions,

Katie x

Find out when The Book Launch is open for enrollment

A woman stands in a field of bluebells

Frequently asked questions:

Q: What happens if I can’t make a session?
A: All of the workshops will be available to watch again as replays within 24 hours of the live session. I really encourage anyone joining to tune in in their own time, as there will be so much value in the workshops. I believe that co-working can be a magical way of focusing the mind, but there is still so much value in the workshops, community and regular office hours with me, even if you are unable to make these. 

Q: My book isn’t out yet – can I still sign up?
A: This programme will take you through a clear framework for creating your marketing plan, and putting it into practice. You can apply this principle to something other than your book (for example, if you want to focus on growing your mailing list before publication), but I do think having an existing book or future launch date in mind will be beneficial – even if your book isn’t launching during the period we work together.

Q: My book came out years ago – could this still be good for me?
A: If you want to focus on building your platform and driving sales for that book, then yes!

Q: Will you teach me about specific tools like Bookbub or Amazon ads?
A: The workshops are designed to be applicable to authors wherever they are with their marketing, so although I may mention specific tools, I won’t go into them in great detail. However, if you have questions about anything specific, that’s a great thing to bring up during the office hours with me. I’m happy to share all of my knowledge with you!

Q: Why does the sales button take me through to Teachery?
A: Teachery is the platform that I use to manage the sales transactions for this programme. They handle all the payments and replays of our workshops will be hosted on their platform. 

Q: What will I get access to?
A: Doors to the private community will open on the 1st of March. This is the space that I will use to share invite links to our workshops and co-working sessions, where you can share with other students, and where I will make myself available for regular office hours. You will also be invited to attend a series of Google Meet sessions, half of which are co-working sessions on their own, and half of which are hour-long workshops followed by co-working sessions.

Q: Can I become an affiliate for this programme?
A: Yes, you absolutely can! Affiliates earn 20% of the final sales price. If you’d like to register as an affiliate, drop me an email with your paypal address and I’ll set you up.1st