My 2015 goals: Mid-year review

2015 goals: A mid-year review to catch up on where I am with my 10 new year's resolutions

At the beginning of the year, I set myself 10 goals for the year. I was planning on doing monthly updates, but time sort of got away with me! I recently posted on Instagram that my ‘to-do’ list for June was a complete washout – I literally had to scratch out June and write July because none of the things I wanted to get done got done. But how about my overall goals for the year? Here’s a little update…

Blog goals:

1) To continue to improve my food photography. 
I feel as though this is something I am really getting better at. I have been practicing a lot on Instagram, because it just feels easy to style things and then snap them with my mobile phone. Doing this every day means that when I get my big camera out, I feel more comfortable and have a clearer idea of how I want things to be set up. I’ve also gone back and reshot a couple of old recipes, which has made me feel better about some of the old recipe posts on here. There’s definitely room for improvement, and there are still lots of old posts with hideous photos, but it’s a start.

2) To share more home and craft projects. 
Yup, this totally hasn’t happened. I have been focusing on my garden, rather than my home, and have been sharing garden posts though – does that count?

3) To do another 30 days meal challenge.
Realistically, this is not going to happen. I might keep it on the list for 2016…

4) Create and publish an ebook.
This might happen! I’ve pulled together the list of recipes I want to use in it, and think I’ve found the tool I’ll use to build it, now I just need to start cooking! From being a ‘cheap and cheerful affair’, I’ve currently got a list of 50 recipes that all fit together really nicely. That MIGHT be a bit optimistic… Maybe I’ll release it in two parts.

5) Get more involved in the blogging community.
This is going well, I think. Blogtacular is awesome, and their weekly chats have given me a bit more confidence to reach out to other people in the blogging world. I’ve got a little regular meet up group now, and there are a couple of other lovelies I’ve met up with in the last month or two.

6) Double the traffic to the blog by the end of the year. 
I have a feeling that this might actually happen! Wow! If not quite doubled, it’ll be reasonably close, which I’m super proud of. My figures are still VERY SMALL when compared to billions of other food blogs, but they’re growing. I might put together a traffic report at the end of this year to share, and just hope that you don’t laugh at the numbers I’m so chuffed about.

Personal goals:

7) Give myself a break. 
I’ve been a lot easier on myself since having Theo. Having him was a huge adjustment, and although life feels like it’s relatively back to normal (or at least, a new sort of normal), sometimes the free time I have during the day doesn’t really feel ‘free’. Theo’s napping, so technically I could do all sorts of things in the 1.5 hours he’s asleep, but all I want to do is vegetate and read my book or scroll my phone. And you know what? That’s fine.

8) Develop a capsule wardrobe. 
So, I packed all of my stuff up apart from the things that work as breastfeeding tops, and hey ho, capsule wardrobe sorted. The trouble is that now I am So Bored of all of it, and my old clothes are pretty inappropriate for a) breastfeeding and b) my slightly larger self. I am kind of tempted to get rid of the entire bag of old clothes and slowly add new things in to it as I find things that make me happy. What do you think – should I do it?

9) Get close to my March 2014 weight and level of fitness by the end of 2015. 
I’d say I’m probably back to my March 2014 weight right now (thanks breastfeeding!), and I’m definitely keeping fit, with yoga once or twice a week, buggyfit once a week and lots and lots of walking. But my body has definitely changed shape. A lot of my close fitting tops are definitely no longer very flattering, hence my desire to bin them all (well, give them all to charity).

Work goals:

10) Keep an eye out for what’s happening in the publishing industry and make sure that I don’t lose touch completely with that world while I’m away. 
I am doing this, but funnily enough, less and less as the year goes on. I’m still aware of what’s going on at work, but I’m not thinking about it beyond reading a few updates on Twitter. And checking the Sunday Times bestseller list every week – I can’t not do that!

Phew! So, all in all, not too bad. One or two things which aren’t happening as much as I want them to, but there’s still time. And, with number 7 in mind, if not everything comes to pass, then it’s not the end of the world.

How are you doing with your new year goals?

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